TSC Publicizes Job Openings For Chief Principal Deadline for Application
For the positions of Chief Principals for Teacher Training Colleges, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has published an advertisement.
The circular is as follows:
MoE; Guidelines For Junior Secondary Education
Guidelines For Junior Secondary Education Are Published By The Ministry Of Education
For the Junior Secondary Schools (JSS) Curriculum, the Ministry of Education has established guidelines.
Current primary school administrators will...
KNUT Instruct P1 Teachers to Suspend Teaching JSS Unless TSC Deploys Them
The Instructors Service Commission (TSC) was planning to send P1 teachers to teach in junior secondary schools starting in January, therefore it appears...
KNEC Releases Vacancies For Teachers Preparing Assessments
The opening of test setters and moderators for national examinations within the examination body has been announced by the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC).
The Council's test development team...